Overview of ERP vendors [+ tips for selecting the right one]

8 January 2024

Are you looking for a new ERP system? Or have you already found a suitable package? 

In either case, you must deal with so-called ERP vendors during your search. These vendors are responsible for making sure your solution works properly in the end. You can also turn to these organizations for support and training. 

These vendors are sometimes different from the company behind your system. Sometimes the makers of the systems use so-called partners/suppliers for the delivery and implementation of the packages. So it is very important to find a good supplier in addition to a good system! 

In this article, we explain why choosing the right supplier is so essential. We will also help you find the best-fitting ERP vendor. 

In short: after reading this article, you will know how to find the right partner for your ERP project! 

ERP zoekende op zoek naar een ERP-leverancier

Go directly to our overview of ERP suppliers, or jump to our tips via these two links:

Enjoy reading and good luck with finding the right ERP partner!

Difference between ERP developer and ERP vendor

Sometimes the developer of the ERP program decides to supply and implement the software as well. In this case, no partners/suppliers are used in the implementation of the package. The developer takes care of this process from A-Z. 

In other cases, the creator of the software uses partners/suppliers to for example implement the software. So in this situation, you are dealing with a different company than the developer of the software.

Here's an example: Microsoft is the creator of your ERP system. You choose to use Microsoft's ERP. However, organization X is responsible for implementation, support, and other assistance. This means you will be mainly dependent on this organization.

Is it a bit clearer now for you why selecting the right partner is so important?

Why is finding the right ERP vendor so important? 


Here are some reasons why finding the right vendor is so critical: 

  • An end-user <> vendor relationship often lasts for years; 
  • You depend on your supplier for handling problems and asking questions; 
  • The supplier will implement the system. 

In conclusion, from the above points, the chosen vendor is more influential than the system you select. In particular, implementing new software is complicated. This makes it essential to select a proper vendor.

Luckily, you will now learn which vendors there are and how you can select the right one.

List of Dutch ERP vendors

Below are some examples of companies specializing in ERP within the Dutch market. You can also see per supplier which system they offer and for which industry the supplier is suitable: 

VendorWhat industries is this partner suitable for?The underlying software used
Agiliq B.V Technical wholesale, paint industry, lighting industry, machine building, yacht building, and rental industry. Microsoft Dynamics. 
ActoBusinessSuitable for any type of installation company.Proprietary software
ABC E BusinessWholesale, manufacturing, e-commerce, solar, bicycle industry, and financial services.Microsoft Dynamics.
AlpiekManufacturing, trading companies, and omnichannel.Odoo
BouwmakersConstruction, infra, and installation companiesProprietary software
Cloudfashion Especially for the fashion industry.Microsoft
ERP4UEspecially suitable for logistics companies.Exact
Forza ConsultingWholesale, industry, municipalities, pharma and real estate. Oracle

The above vendors are on our comparison platform. So this means that we have a relationship with these companies. As a result, we know these organizations well and can provide you with advice. 

Just want to see a list of ERP systems? Check it out on our page containing 11 examples of ERP systems.

Tips that will help you select the right ERP partner

Use the tips below and find the right company for your ERP project. 

1. Look at the historical performance of your potential partner

As far as we are concerned, you must look at a vendor's past implementations. After all, ERP implementations are complicated and frequently go wrong. So it is very influential to know whether the supplier is capable of good software implementations. 

In doing so, also check what sector the implementations were for. For example, has your future ERP partner been successful in implementations at companies like yours? If so, this will give you a better idea of your possible future partner's ability. 

As a manufacturer, for example, it might be wise to find a partner that excels at implementing ERP software for production companies. This advice also holds for other industries.

2. Conduct your own research and be critical

Do not rely solely on the supplier's pretty blue eyes, but seek contact with real customers and former customers. This will give you a more honest picture than what you get from looking at the website of your potential ERP software vendor. Makes sense, because what party posts negative reviews prominently on their site?

3. Look at the human aspect

Joep Sangers software vendor specialist

According to Joep Sangers, our Software Vendor Specialist, it is very important to make your choice too "business-like." He advises you to also look at the human aspect. After all, you are entering into a long-term cooperation. 

What often goes wrong during an ERP project? Exactly, the communication between companies and their suppliers. So see if you have a good click with your supplier. It is also important that you both communicate well and clearly with each other. 

Just want to learn how to choose an appropriate ERP package? Click the button below and find out: 

Learn how to pick the right ERP system


In the search for a sublime ERP package, the choice of vendor is crucial. 

Our article offers insights and tips for selecting the perfect ERP vendor. In doing so, we emphasize that this relationship typically lasts for years and is the key to a smooth system implementation.

But where do you start? Visit our overview of vendors, including their specializations and systems. Don't rely only on outward appearances; review historical performance and communicate with real customers. Make business and human considerations for long-term cooperation.

Would you like to be matched with suitable ERP vendors without any obligation? Fill out our comparison tool and receive personalized matches that seamlessly match your specific needs.

Find your ERP partner
Peter de Bruin
CEO & Sr. Software Specialist
With over 15 years of dedicated experience in the enterprise software industry, I have seen firsthand how crucial it is for an organization to find the right software system for success. In this rapidly changing marketplace, a fair playing field is not always a given. My mission is to create a fair match between companies and vendors, putting the importance of appropriate and effective software first. Our independent selection tool is designed to fulfill this mission, with the goal of creating a future where everyone can effortlessly find the perfect software package, with a smile. Let's strive for that effortless future together.
More about me ➔

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