CRM system for sales: indispensable features & best software

12 June 2024

Are you looking for (new) CRM software for your Sales department?

And which system will ensure you meet your sales targets, quarter after quarter?

On this page, you'll discover all about CRM systems for salespeople.

You'll discover the following in this article:

Heads up. In our opinion, this is software that suits Sales very well:

  1. Salesforce
  2. HubSpot
  3. Microsoft Dynamics 365

Click here to go to the detailed explanation for each system.

Read on and find out all about Customer Relationship Management systems below!

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Indispensable CRM functions for the sales department

According to research, there are three functions that salespeople by far prefer to have in their CRM system, namely:

  1. Contact management
  2. Tracking interactions with contacts and customers
  3. Scheduling and setting reminders.

Do you agree with the above list? Or are there still essential features missing?

We thoroughly understand the relationship between salespeople and this type of software. Our Sales Manager Gerard Nederveen gives you this telling quote about how salespeople view CRM software. Do you recognize yourself (or colleagues) in this?

"Sales people often hate a CRM system. Because administration and recording things is not what you want to be doing. That's why it's so important that things like contact management and tracking interactions are as easy as possible."

Examples of Contact Management, Interaction Tracking and Setting Reminders

Here are examples of what contact management, tracking interactions and setting reminders looks like:

  • An example of contact management within our own system, HubSpot.

The video below shows how we add a new contact to our database:

  • We also like to show you how to keep track of customer interactions within a CRM.

In our old system from Microsoft we saw, in the so-called customer card, clearly our histroic contact moments with a prospect, lead and/or customer.

  • In conclusion, below you will see how to arrange your schedule and set reminders.

As you can see below, you easily set reminders. This helps our sales team tremendously!

These three indispensable functions are quite simple. Just about every CRM possesses these functionalities. 

We created a special page for you with simple CRM systems! These systems provide the three functions we mentioned above just fine. Want to see more advanced features of CRM, such as sales forecasting and analytics? Then click here.

Want to see our list of software that can take your Sales to the next level? Then read on and find out which CRM systems best fit the needs and wants of Salespeople.

Our final critical CRM functionality for Salespeople: email

Email is the final critical CRM functionality we want to mention. Most salespeople use their mail every day.

Using outlook or another mail provider is fine, but CRMs offer distinct functionalities to your arsenal.

We asked our Sales Collegeau Danique how she uses email functionalities in our CRM system daily:

"I use the email feature in our CRM for a variety of tasks like sending cold emails, sharing meeting summaries, providing additional information after sales calls, and doing follow-ups. I've also got a few standard templates that make the process smoother Especially templates, i use every day."

What does well-functioning CRM software give salespeople?

Here are the main CRM benefits you'll benefit from as a salesperson:

  • Efficiency gains: All contact data is in one central location, saving time as a salesperson searching for information.
  • Improved interaction with contacts and customers: Thanks to CRM, you as a sales department have an understanding of all previous contact moments with customers and contacts. This info helps you respond better to your contacts.
  • Never miss promising follow-ups again: CRM software helps you easily schedule follow-ups and reminders. So you never miss (or yes, less often at least!) promising follow-ups again.
  • Improved forecasting: Using data, you make more accurate predictions about future sales and performance. Your software does this through historical data.
  • Insight into the lead to customer process: in many CRM tools, you have perfect insight into your "lead-to-close" funnel. This gives you an overview and increases your chances of making that deal!
Klanten en contacten Sales CRM

Want to see more reasons why CRM software is so advantageous? Discover it on our page with 3 reasons why you should use a CRM system.

2 examples of next-level sales functions within a CRM

Curious about sales functions that can take you to the next level? Below you can see two different "next-level" sales functions within different CRM systems.

- Analytics: finally an overview of your Mount Everest of data

Did you know that CRM software is perfect for visualizing your customer and contact data? In example from SuperOffice below you see exactly what's left in your pipeline. You can also see which open sales opportunities are still there!

- Pipeline: which deals can be made? And how many sales are still in the pipeline?

In our own system (HubSpot) we see can the total deal amount in rock hard euros.

You can also see how many companies are in the different sales stages. From "Appointment Scheduled" to "Deal Closed". This makes it very clear for our sales staff!

CRM systems specifically for sales departments

So what are the best systems? And why exactly are these systems so suitable for Sales? We will gladly explain it to you below.

Pay attention, because your choice, for a CRM package, depends on personal preferences and your company type/size. The best overall CRM package therefore does NOT exist.

We therefore mainly looked at what we know about the various systems. Hence, we involved our sales staff in compiling our list.

It is typical that our employees, often have different opinions about the systems of this list. This reflects the subjectivity well. Chances are, you prefer software you are used to working with.

We also looked at statistics from These statistics show which company sizes typically choose specific systems. For example, we see that HubSpot is a lot less popular with companies with more than 1,000 employees, but instead is mostly used by SMEs.

- Salesforce [#1 market share]

25% of Salesforce's total revenue comes from the Cloud built specifically for Salesteams. This well reflects this system's focus on salespeople.

In this regard, Salesforce is an advanced system that excels at somewhat larger companies. 14% of customers are large companies with more than 1,000 employees.

Also nice to mention: Salesforce is the system with by far the largest market share. This company holds about 20% of the global market in 2024. Of course, market share doesn't say everything!

In fact, we advise you to look beyond the well-known providers as well. Here you can read more about how to select an appropriate CRM package.

"Salesforce can sometimes feel a bit outdated. Also, you need experience within the system to know how everything works." [Quote Gerard Nederveen, Sales Manager at]

On the other hand. Our Inside Sales colleague Danique tells us that she liked Salesforce quite a bit. She knows, because she used it extensively during her previous job. 

Danique Schaeffer Inside Sales

  • Salesforce is extra suitable for somewhat larger companies. Looking for advanced capabilities.

- HubSpot [quite intuitive] 

HubSpot is praised by many for its user-friendliness and intuitive interface.

HubSpot's system is often used by companies under 50 employees. This may indicate, that this software is less suitable for the larger companies.

"HubSpot is versatile in terms of integrations. Looks fresh and is easy to use." [Quote from our Sales Manager]

- Microsoft Dynamics 365 [used by somewhat larger companies]

Companies with 50+ employees commonly use this software. 72% of total users are medium (> 50) to large companies (+ 1000 employees).

The above figures, indicate that this software is less suitable for smaller organizations.

It was very difficult for us to make adjustments to this CRM system ourselves. We had to hire an expert for this." [Quote from our CEO Peter de Bruin]
Peter de Bruin CEO

  • Microsoft's CRM is suitable for: larger companies using other Microsoft products. This makes integrations with other software easier.

Want to see if one of the systems above is your perfect match?

Fill in our tool within 5 minutes and see which software is for you!

Conclusion on CRM for Sales

In this article, you saw which features are particularly interesting for salespeople. We gave you a unique insight into several systems.

You also got a list of the three best CRM systems for Sales. This gives you a good first impression of your options.

However, we do advise you to choose a system based on your specific situation. Want to find out which software suits your needs?

Want to speed up your selection process? And want a list of CRM systems that perfectly fit your needs? 

Fill out our comparison tool to get a list of best-matching CRM vendors.

Peter de Bruin
CEO & Sr. Software Specialist
With over 15 years of dedicated experience in the enterprise software industry, I have seen firsthand how crucial it is for an organization to find the right software system for success. In this rapidly changing marketplace, a fair playing field is not always a given. My mission is to create a fair match between companies and vendors, putting the importance of appropriate and effective software first. Our independent selection tool is designed to fulfill this mission, with the goal of creating a future where everyone can effortlessly find the perfect software package, with a smile. Let's strive for that effortless future together.
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