Choose your perfect ERP system [steps, tips + comparison tool]

30 November 2023

Looking for a suitable ERP package? And don't yet know how to choose the ERP system perfect for you? 

Especially when you lack the necessary knowledge, choosing a good system is difficult.  

Therefore, let us give you a hand by sharing five simple and concrete steps. Using these steps, you will choose the ERP that suits you perfectly. 

What will reading this page give you? After reading this article, you will know how to find the best-fitting ERP software.  

Make use of the following insights found on this page:

Want to see suitable ERP systems that fit your specific situation immediately? Fill out our independent ERP comparison tool and find a suitable system. It will only cost you 5 minutes!

Which ERP packages can you choose from? 

Below is a list of 11 ERP systems. This will give you a better idea of the different options within the ERP market. Hopefully, this will help you select your perfect ERP system! 

This list is not all-encompassing, but it will give you a nice idea of well-known systems and more niche ERP packages.

  • Acto Business
  • ANB5
  • Claever Systems
  • Exact
  • Netsuite
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Odoo
  • Oracle
  • SAP Business One
  • Torza
  • Uniconta

Is one of these 11 systems your perfect match?

Fill in our tool within 5 minutes to find out!

It is without any obligation and no vendor will contact you without your permission, promised.

The list above gives you a first view of some potentially suitable systems.

To help you even further, we advise you to select a package based on your specific situation. Small companies for example might have different requirements than wholesalers regarding their system of choice.

Therefore, we suggest you take a look at our dedicated pages where we help specific types of companies make their best pick. Use our pages below and find a suitable software package:

How do you choose an ERP system?

Use these five steps to find a suitable ERP:

  1. Conduct a Needs Analysis
  2. Establish a Project Team
  3. Make a Shortlist of ERP Systems
  4. Get a Better Understanding of Your Options
  5. Choose the System that fits your business

Step 1. Map your needs through a needs analysis

Within the first step of your selection process, you identify your organization's needs. 

Aks yourself these questions during this first step:

  • Why are you actually looking for a (new) ERP system?
  • And what issues do you encounter that ERP software must solve? 

Asking these questions sounds logical. Yet we see that many people searching for ERP software go through this step too hastily. 

Therefore, we advise you to take the needs analysis seriously. After all, your organization will benefit significantly from a well-executed analysis.

Do you do the needs analysis hastily and incompletely? Then chances are you'll end up missing certain features within your brand-new system. 

In some cases, an incomplete needs analysis leads to these kinds of annoying situations: 

“You've made a choice, your new ERP package has been chosen! You are satisfied with the chosen package. Yet during the selection process you noticed that your analyses and choices were often rushed. After all, there was considerable time pressure. 

Your system works fine, but over time you notice that your software lacks important forecasting functions for your inventory and finances. In retrospect, these functions turn out to be essential to your business. Now you will have to switch to another system anyway or incur additional costs to have these functions built into your ERP system. 

You think to yourself: if only I had identified the needs of my organization better!”

Step 2. Establish a project team

In the next phase of the ERP selection process, it is essential to assemble a powerful project team. 

Determine who you absolutely must involve when choosing a (new) ERP system. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are shareholders involved? 
  • Who from management should you involve? 
  • Wouldn't it be helpful to involve the end users of the ERP software in this process as well? 

Ultimately, you want key stakeholders to be included in the process. 

But what does carefully executing this step get you? By setting up a good project team, you simply increase support within your organization.

You also ensure that the chosen ERP package matches the needs of the end users. This increases the acceptance of the system, and it ensures a more efficient use of the new system.

A win-win situation, in our opinion! 

When you include everyone in your organization in your ERP decision process, you prevent people from being ultimately dissatisfied with your chosen ERP software. 

Now let's move on to step 3 in the ERP selection process!

Step 3. Make a shortlist of ERP systems

The next step is to make a shortlist of interesting ERP systems. 

The previous two steps will give you a better understanding of what your company needs. This will enable you to create an initial list of systems. Create a list of ERP packages that fit your needs. This will help you with the next step (step 4 below) within your ERP selection process.

For example, take a look at our list of 11 ERP examples. Who knows, there may be systems among them that fit your specific situation! 

Tip: Determine what your maximum budget is. Take into account license fees, training costs, and possible maintenance costs. This will help you look for systems that fit your needs and your budget.

Want a rough indication of the price tag of your ERP project? Use our calculator to find out!

Step 4. Get a better understanding of your options

In this step, it is important to get a better idea of your options.

But how do you get a better idea of the different ERP systems you can choose from? 

You do this, for example, by sending what is called an RFI (Request for Information) document to vendors. 

In an RFI document, you put the following things:

  • Basic information about your company. This includes your contact information and the details of your business processes;
  • This same basic info to be completed by the ERP partner to be
  • A confidentiality clause;
  • Questions about the capabilities and features of the vendor's system. 

In summary, sending an RFI document will give you a better idea of specific ERP providers and packages.

Step 5. Choose the system that suits you

We must not forget this beautiful last step: choose the system that suits your business perfectly. 

There is no such thing as the best system. A different ERP package fits every situation and every company. 

This is why we advise you to select a system that suits your organization. You can of course find a system by going through the steps above. However, this will take you hours of research. Fortunately, there is a faster alternative! 

To make your life a little easier, we have developed a 100% independent ERP comparison tool for you. Fill out the tool and find out which ERP system suits you best:

This information might help you further in selecting the perfect ERP system:

Tips that will help you with your ERP software choice

Tips that help you choose the right ERP package:

  • Find an implementation partner who understands your industry
  • Don't choose your ERP software only based on low cost
  • Ask for references
  • Choose a future-proof system
  • Have a clear goal and know what you are looking for

Beneath you find more explanations for each of the tips listed above.

Tip 1. Find an implementation partner who understands your industry

We recommend that you find an ERP implementation partner who understands your industry. 

By selecting a partner with industry-specific knowledge, you ensure that you can come to them with questions. 

For example, do you work a lot with inventory? And does something go wrong in your system in this area? Then it is convenient that your implementation partner understands what it is all about. 

Tip 2. Don't choose your ERP software based on low cost

We advise you not to choose your ERP system based on low cost.

Go for quality and look at what the system gives you. In the end, a well-functioning system will pay off in lower costs and higher efficiency. 

Discover on this page more about the advantages of ERP systems.

Tip 3. Ask for references

Ask for references from companies similar to your organization.

Often, the same types of companies use the same ERP systems. Hence, they can perfectly tell you the strengths and weaknesses of their ERP package. 

This is especially useful because they look at these strengths and weaknesses within the context of your specific industry.

Tip 4. Choose a future-proof system

In our opinion, our most important tip: pick an ERP system that is future-proof.

In fact, we frequently see people choosing a system that is good for now. In doing so, they forget to look ahead. 

Ask yourself where your company will be in 5-10 years. Adjust your ERP choice accordingly. This way, you avoid missing out on essential functionalities. Think of support for different currencies and support for different countries. Do you want to do business outside the Netherlands in the future? Make sure your ERP supports multiple currencies and countries! 

Tip: See if your license can be scaled down. Does your company go from 10 to 5 employees? Then it is convenient if your license can be scaled down. Keep this in mind during your selection process. 

Tip 5. Have a clear goal and know what you are looking for

Formulate a clear objective and know what you are looking for. 

This is because sometimes we get applications where people don't know what they need. In some cases, people don't know whether they require an ERP or CRM.

So clearly map out what you are looking for.

Choose the ERP that fits your specific situation perfectly

This article will help you choose your perfect ERP package.

Want to speed up your selection process? And want a list of ERP systems that perfectly fit your needs? 

Fill out our comparison tool to get a list of best-matching ERP vendors.

In doing so, we promise you the following:

  • You get an objective assessment of systems and implementation partners.
  • You will always find a suitable system. There are more than 100 partners on our platform!
  • You will NEVER be approached at random. You decide if you want to get in touch with a vendor.
  • You save hours and hours of research. Get a jump start on your search for the perfect ERP system.


Find your perfect ERP-system
Peter de Bruin
CEO & Sr. Software Specialist
With over 15 years of dedicated experience in the enterprise software industry, I have seen firsthand how crucial it is for an organization to find the right software system for success. In this rapidly changing marketplace, a fair playing field is not always a given. My mission is to create a fair match between companies and vendors, putting the importance of appropriate and effective software first. Our independent selection tool is designed to fulfill this mission, with the goal of creating a future where everyone can effortlessly find the perfect software package, with a smile. Let's strive for that effortless future together.
More about me ➔

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