De Gunfactor


Structural, lasting improvement

More than half of companies' overhead costs consist of marketing, sales and service. Through our efforts, people and companies can find each other more quickly and easily, thereby contributing to a more efficient, sustainable and pleasant world.

Because by increasing your Gun Factor you work faster, more effectively and with more pleasure. And that makes us happy. What a satisfaction when a company can develop because everyone does work that he or she is good at without hassle or hassle.

Why do clients choose us?

We are Business Consultants & ZOHO Experts and perhaps the most important thing in that name is that & sign.

Because improving a process without addressing your automation leads to a short-term sales boost, but soon everyone goes back to their well-trodden path. And presenting new systems without anything having been improved leads to frustration.

In our view, setting up a marketing, sales or service system is only possible if you have your feet in the clay yourself. Experience counts double here.

According to us

  • Sales growth
  • Lower cost per sale
  • More reliable forecast and a
  • More inspired team

the result of an integrated approach to Business & IT. And there's that & sign again.


Contact Management, Sales Management, Marketing Automation, Reporting and Analytics, Workflow Automation, Integrations and Data Management, Contact center, Product, Service & Staff, Digitalisation & Technology
Contact Management
Customer Profiles, Interaction History
Customer Profiles
Basic Information
Demographic data
Company information
Duplicate management
Duplicate automation
Calculated Properties
Company data enrichment
Interaction History
Notes and comments on customer conversations
Past purchases and transactions
Communication channels
Sales Management
Lead Management, Opportunity Management
Lead Management
Lead generation and qualification
Lead scoring and prioritization
Lead assignment to sales teams
Automatic lead rotation
Opportunity Management
Sales pipeline tracking
Quotations and proposals
Sales forecasts and targets
Target Account List
Marketing Automation
Email Marketing, Events, Campaign Management
Email Marketing
Automated follow-up emails
Campaign Management
ROI analysis and reporting
Reporting and Analytics
Performance Reports, Data Analysis
Performance Reports
Sales performance and results
Marketing return on investment and effectiveness
Data Analysis
Trend analysis and predictive models
Data visualization and dashboards
Workflow Automation
Task and Calendar Management, Process Automation
Task and Calendar Management
Task and Calendar Management
Calendar integration and scheduling
Automated notifications and reminders
Process Automation
Workflow design and automation
Automated actions and triggers (sequences)
Approval workflows and process streamlining
Automated Publisher
Integrations and Data Management
Email Integration, System Integrations & Addons, Customization
Email Integration
Email client synchronization
Email tracking and archiving
Email templates and personalization
System Integrations & Addons
Integration with other business systems
Data exchange and synchronization
API connectivity for custom integrations
Payment Platform
Customer Portal
Customized properties
Labels, tags and categories
Team Management
Contact center
Contact Channels, CCC-Tooling
Contact Channels
Voice / VOIP
Video Messaging
Whatsapp for Business
Conversation Routing
Product Management
Product Management
Product Information
Service & Staff
Service Contracts
Service Objects & Locations
Digitalisation & Technology
Technology - Basics
Technology - Basics
Hosted by the vendor
Contact Management, Sales Management, Marketing Automation, Customer Service and Support, Reporting and Analytics, Workflow Automation, Integrations and Data Management, Contact center, Product, Projects, Service & Staff, Digitalisation & Technology
Contact Management
Customer Profiles, Interaction History
Customer Profiles
Basic Information
Demographic data
Company information
Duplicate management
Duplicate automation
Calculated Properties
Company data enrichment
Interaction History
Notes and comments on customer conversations
Past purchases and transactions
Communication channels
Sales Management
Lead Management, Opportunity Management
Lead Management
Lead generation and qualification
Lead scoring and prioritization
Lead assignment to sales teams
Automatic lead rotation
Opportunity Management
Sales pipeline tracking
Quotations and proposals
Sales forecasts and targets
Target Account List
Marketing Automation
Email Marketing, Events, Campaign Management, Social Media Integration
Email Marketing
Creating and managing email campaigns
Automated follow-up emails
Email tracking and analytics
Campaign Management
Target audience segmentation and targeting (ABM)
Planning and executing marketing campaigns
ROI analysis and reporting
Ad conversion management
A/B Testing
Social Media Integration
Social media monitoring and engagement
Content planning and publication
Analysis of social media activities
Brand Monitoring
Social Media Optimization
Customer Service and Support
Ticket Management, Self-Service Support, Complaint Management
Ticket Management
Recording and tracking customer queries and issues,
Ticket prioritization and escalation,
Solution history and notes,
Self-Service Support
Knowledge base with frequently asked questions
Online forums and communities
Chatbots and virtual assistants
Complaint Management
Complaint registration and follow-up
Escalation procedures
Customer satisfaction surveys
Reporting and Analytics
Performance Reports, Data Analysis
Performance Reports
Sales performance and results
Marketing return on investment and effectiveness
Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Data Analysis
Customer segmentation and audience analysis
Trend analysis and predictive models
Data visualization and dashboards
Workflow Automation
Task and Calendar Management, Process Automation
Task and Calendar Management
Task and Calendar Management
Calendar integration and scheduling
Automated notifications and reminders
Content Calendar
Process Automation
Workflow design and automation
Automated actions and triggers (sequences)
Approval workflows and process streamlining
Automated Publisher
Integrations and Data Management
Email Integration, System Integrations & Addons, Customization
Email Integration
Email client synchronization
Email tracking and archiving
Email templates and personalization
System Integrations & Addons
Integration with other business systems
Data exchange and synchronization
API connectivity for custom integrations
Payment Platform
Customer Portal
Customized properties
Labels, tags and categories
Team Management
Contact center
Contact Channels, CCC-Tooling
Contact Channels
Voice / VOIP
Video Messaging
(Contact) Forms
Whatsapp for Business
Live chat
Conversation Routing
Product Management, Content creation
Product Management
Product Information
Product Trees
Content creation
FAQ/ Helpcenter
Project Registration
Project Control
Service & Staff
Service Contracts
Service Objects & Locations
Digitalisation & Technology
Technology - Basics
Technology - Basics
Hosted by the vendor
Contact Management, Sales Management, Marketing Automation, Customer Service and Support, Reporting and Analytics, Workflow Automation, Integrations and Data Management, Contact center, Product, Projects, Service & Staff, Digitalisation & Technology
Contact Management
Customer Profiles, Interaction History
Customer Profiles
Basic Information
Demographic data
Company information
Duplicate automation
Company data enrichment
Interaction History
Notes and comments on customer conversations
Communication channels
Sales Management
Lead Management
Lead Management
Automatic lead rotation
Marketing Automation
Email Marketing, Social Media Integration
Email Marketing
Automated follow-up emails
Social Media Integration
Brand Monitoring
Customer Service and Support
Ticket Management, Self-Service Support, Complaint Management
Ticket Management
Recording and tracking customer queries and issues,
Ticket prioritization and escalation,
Solution history and notes,
Self-Service Support
Knowledge base with frequently asked questions
Online forums and communities
Chatbots and virtual assistants
Complaint Management
Complaint registration and follow-up
Escalation procedures
Customer satisfaction surveys
Reporting and Analytics
Performance Reports, Data Analysis
Performance Reports
Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Data Analysis
Data visualization and dashboards
Workflow Automation
Task and Calendar Management, Process Automation
Task and Calendar Management
Task and Calendar Management
Calendar integration and scheduling
Automated notifications and reminders
Process Automation
Workflow design and automation
Automated actions and triggers (sequences)
Approval workflows and process streamlining
Automated Publisher
Integrations and Data Management
Email Integration, System Integrations & Addons, Customization
Email Integration
Email client synchronization
Email tracking and archiving
Email templates and personalization
System Integrations & Addons
Integration with other business systems
Data exchange and synchronization
API connectivity for custom integrations
Customized properties
Labels, tags and categories
Team Management
Contact center
Contact Channels, CCC-Tooling
Contact Channels
Voice / VOIP
(Contact) Forms
Whatsapp for Business
Live chat
Conversation Routing
Product Management, Content creation
Product Management
Product Information
Content creation
FAQ/ Helpcenter
Hours Registration
Service & Staff
Service Contracts
Service Objects & Locations
Digitalisation & Technology
Technology - Basics
Technology - Basics
Hosted by the vendor
Contact Management, Sales Management, Marketing Automation, Customer Service and Support, Reporting and Analytics, Workflow Automation, Integrations and Data Management, Contact center, Digitalisation & Technology
Contact Management
Customer Profiles, Interaction History
Customer Profiles
Basic Information
Demographic data
Duplicate automation
Interaction History
Communication channels
Sales Management
Lead Management, Opportunity Management
Lead Management
Lead generation and qualification
Lead scoring and prioritization
Opportunity Management
Target Account List
Marketing Automation
Email Marketing, Campaign Management, Social Media Integration
Email Marketing
Creating and managing email campaigns
Automated follow-up emails
Email tracking and analytics
Campaign Management
Target audience segmentation and targeting (ABM)
Planning and executing marketing campaigns
ROI analysis and reporting
Ad conversion management
A/B Testing
Social Media Integration
Social media monitoring and engagement
Content planning and publication
Analysis of social media activities
Brand Monitoring
Social Media Optimization
Customer Service and Support
Complaint Management
Complaint Management
Customer satisfaction surveys
Reporting and Analytics
Performance Reports, Data Analysis
Performance Reports
Sales performance and results
Marketing return on investment and effectiveness
Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Data Analysis
Customer segmentation and audience analysis
Trend analysis and predictive models
Data visualization and dashboards
Workflow Automation
Task and Calendar Management, Process Automation
Task and Calendar Management
Automated notifications and reminders
Content Calendar
Process Automation
Workflow design and automation
Automated actions and triggers (sequences)
Approval workflows and process streamlining
Automated Publisher
Integrations and Data Management
Email Integration, System Integrations & Addons, Customization
Email Integration
Email client synchronization
Email tracking and archiving
Email templates and personalization
System Integrations & Addons
Integration with other business systems
Data exchange and synchronization
API connectivity for custom integrations
Customized properties
Labels, tags and categories
Team Management
Contact center
Contact Channels, CCC-Tooling
Contact Channels
(Contact) Forms
Digitalisation & Technology
Technology - Basics
Technology - Basics
Hosted by the vendor
Contact Management, Marketing Automation, Reporting and Analytics, Workflow Automation, Integrations and Data Management, Projects, Digitalisation & Technology
Contact Management
Customer Profiles, Interaction History
Customer Profiles
Basic Information
Interaction History
Notes and comments on customer conversations
Marketing Automation
Email Marketing
Email Marketing
Automated follow-up emails
Reporting and Analytics
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Data visualization and dashboards
Workflow Automation
Task and Calendar Management, Process Automation
Task and Calendar Management
Task and Calendar Management
Automated notifications and reminders
Process Automation
Workflow design and automation
Automated actions and triggers (sequences)
Approval workflows and process streamlining
Integrations and Data Management
Email Integration, System Integrations & Addons, Customization
Email Integration
Email client synchronization
Email templates and personalization
System Integrations & Addons
Integration with other business systems
Data exchange and synchronization
API connectivity for custom integrations
Customer Portal
Customized properties
Labels, tags and categories
Team Management
Project Registration
Project Control
Hours Registration
Digitalisation & Technology
Technology - Basics
Technology - Basics
Hosted by the vendor

Ready to get started?

We therefore offer independent and honest advice. In doing so, we bring balance to the market so that you can confidently select the optimal software solution, knowing that your success is our top priority.