
How to win investors' trust for your software idea as a start-up

Do you need money from investors on short notice (maybe desperately?!)? Or are you planning to start a start-up? In both situations, our live webinar is definitely for you! Follow our webinar, get your potential investors excited and make your dreams as an entrepreneur come true.
March 21, 2024
11:00 - 11:45 a.m.

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Contents of the Webinar

But how do you make sure you attract investors? And how do you then engage your investors in the progress of your project? Our CEO, Peter de Bruin, is happy to tell you about his own experience in this webinar.

Over 1 year ago, Peter's dream was just an idea. Anno 2024, this idea has grown into a successful start-up! In this webinar he tells you how transparency and insight towards investors were essential for the current success of SoftwareMatching.io.

Learn from our speakers

Peter de Bruin CEO SoftwareMatching.io

Peter de Bruin

Stefan Jansen

Commercial Lead at Avisi

For whom?

• People looking for external funders for their (software) project. Consider: IT decision makers and influencers within start-ups/scale-ups, including CTOs, CISOs, CIOs, CEOs
• Investors who like to invest in high-potential innovative ideas where software plays a central role.

What will this webinar give you?

• You'll learn how to get investors excited about putting money into your project;
• You will discover what information investors find most important;
• In short: You increase the chances of your start-up getting funding!
Sign up now

Ready to get started?

We therefore offer independent and honest advice. In doing so, we bring balance to the market so that you can confidently select the optimal software solution, knowing that your success is our top priority.