
Should You Stick with Excel or Switch to a CRM System?

29 July 2024

Are you satisfied with Excel, or are you considering switching to a CRM system

This article will help you make an informed choice by comparing Excel and CRM software.

Is Excel the Same as a CRM System?

No, Excel and CRM software are not the same. 

While Excel can perform some basic functions related to customer data management and reporting, CRM systems offer much more advanced capabilities. Below, we will explore the differences in more detail.

The Difference Between CRM Systems and Excel

Excel is a powerful spreadsheet program known for its versatility in handling data, performing calculations, and creating visual reports. It is widely used for data analysis, budgeting, and simple reporting tasks.

This is how your customer data could be stored in Excel: 

CRM software, on the other hand, is specifically designed to manage customer relationships and business processes. CRM systems provide a unified platform for tracking customer interactions, sales, marketing campaigns, and customer service in real time. This integration allows businesses to gain insights and streamline their operations more effectively.

This is how individual customer data looks like in CRM software: 

Click here and see more examples of CRM packages.

Why Choose a CRM System Over Excel?

CRM systems offer numerous advantages over Excel, including:

  • Centralized Customer Information: CRM provides a single source of truth for all customer data, ensuring everyone in your organization has access to up-to-date information.
  • Enhanced Customer Insights: With CRM, you can analyze customer behaviors and preferences, allowing for more personalized marketing and improved customer service.
  • Automation: CRM systems automate repetitive tasks such as follow-up emails, data entry, and customer segmentation, freeing up time for your team to focus on strategic activities.
  • Collaboration: CRM facilitates better collaboration across departments, ensuring that sales, marketing, and customer service teams are aligned and working towards common goals.

When Is Excel Sufficient?

Despite the benefits of CRM systems, there are situations where Excel might be sufficient:

  • Small Businesses with Limited Budgets: Excel is cost-effective and doesn’t require significant investments.
  • Simple Business Processes: If your processes are straightforward and not interconnected, Excel can handle your needs without the complexity of a CRM.
  • Limited Employees: For small teams, Excel’s ease of use and sharing capabilities are often adequate.
  • Ad-Hoc Reporting and Analysis: Companies that require occasional data analysis and reporting can leverage Excel’s powerful features without needing a CRM.
  • Temporary Projects: Excel allows temporary projects to operate flexibly without the long implementation time and cost of CRM systems.
  • Startups: Did you know that many big CRM vendors have special discounts for startups? Both HubSpot and Microsoft have major discounts. HubSpot for example gives startups a 90% cost saving for the first year of using their system. We, as a startup, gladly made use of this ourselves!

When to opt for a CRM System?

Consider switching to a CRM system if:

  • Your Business is Growing: A CRM system scales with your business, supporting increasingly complex processes.
  • Complex Processes: CRM integrates various business functions, enhancing efficiency and reducing errors.
  • Multiple Departments and Locations: CRM facilitates coordination and communication across different departments and locations.
  • Need for Real-Time Data: CRM provides real-time insights into customer interactions and business performance, essential for informed decision-making.
  • Compliance Requirements: CRM systems help you comply with regulations and standards through automated controls and extensive reporting.
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Advantages of CRM Systems

In our opinion, these are the biggest advantages of CRM software:

  • 360-degree customer view: Gain a complete picture of each customer.
  • Better alignment between sales and marketing: Your marketing and sales departments work together within a single system.
  • Digital marketing tools: Improve your communication with leads and customers through email marketing and social media integrations.
  • Better predictions: Use forecasting features to predict customer behavior, enabling more personalized experiences.
  • Streamlined content creation and distribution: Easily create and share blogs and whitepapers with the world within most CRM systems.
  • Significant ROI: A well-functioning CRM package leads to better customer relationships and improved sales efficiency, turning more leads into customers!

Want a quick indication on the costs of CRM software? Fill in our CRM cost calculator to find out!

Drawbacks of Excel

While Excel is a versatile tool, it has notable disadvantages:

  • Error-Prone: Manual data entry can lead to mistakes, and different users might work with inconsistent data versions.
  • No Real-Time Information: Excel does not provide live data integration with business processes, leading to outdated information.
  • Limited Collaboration: Excel lacks advanced access controls and user levels, making collaboration less efficient compared to CRM.

Company X is a small manufacturing business that supplies parts to various industries. They have a warehouse with 1,000 different products and a monthly revenue of €100,000. Currently, Company X uses Excel to manage their customer relationships.

Scenario Using Excel Instead of CRM Software

Company X is a small manufacturing business that supplies parts to various industries. They have a warehouse with 1,000 different products and a monthly revenue of €100,000. Currently, Company X uses Excel to manage their customer relationships.

An employee makes a typo in Excel, causing a key customer's contact information to be incorrect. This results in emails and important updates not reaching the customer on time.

Due to the incorrect information, follow-up on a significant sales lead is delayed. By the time the mistake is discovered, the customer has already chosen a competitor.


  • Lost Revenue: The lost sales opportunity results in a missed revenue of €10,000.
  • Customer Dissatisfaction: The incorrect information causes delays in communication, leading to frustration and a 5% drop in repeat business over the next six months (estimated revenue loss of €3,000).
  • Increased Customer Service Costs: Additional hours are spent by staff to correct the data, communicate with the disgruntled customer, and manage the fallout (estimated additional labor costs of €1,000).
  • Reputation Damage: The error damages the company's reputation, potentially leading to a loss of future business (estimated long-term revenue loss of €2,000).

Total Estimated Costs Due to Excel Errors: €16,000

Breakdown of the costs:

  • Missed Sales Opportunity: €10,000
  • Loss of Repeat Business: €3,000
  • Additional Labor Costs: €1,000
  • Reputation Damage: €2,000

While Excel is a cost-effective tool, relying on it for managing customer relationships can lead to significant hidden costs.

Investing in CRM software can prevent these issues by providing accurate, real-time data and efficient customer management, ultimately saving your business time and money.

Conclusion on Excel vs CRM software

Deciding between continuing to use Excel or switching to a CRM system depends on your business needs. While Excel is suitable for simple tasks and small businesses, CRM systems offer significant advantages for growing companies with complex processes.

If you’re convinced of the power of CRM software, use our CRM comparison tool to find the best system for your business needs. Within minutes, you’ll receive tailored advice on the most suitable CRM packages for your company.

Peter de Bruin
CEO & Sr. Software Specialist
With over 15 years of dedicated experience in the enterprise software industry, I have seen firsthand how crucial it is for an organization to find the right software system for success. In this rapidly changing marketplace, a fair playing field is not always a given. My mission is to create a fair match between companies and vendors, putting the importance of appropriate and effective software first. Our independent selection tool is designed to fulfill this mission, with the goal of creating a future where everyone can effortlessly find the perfect software package, with a smile. Let's strive for that effortless future together.
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