10 CRM System Examples [+ screenshots]

17 June 2024

Taking your first steps in the world of CRM? Or already looking for a CRM system to buy?

In both cases insights in real CRM examples and their workings are invaluable.

In this article, we give you 10 examples of CRM systems. Also, we show you screenshots of three of these systems (click here and go to these examples directly).

Use the unique insights on this page and discover how CRM software works. Further down this page, we used our own CRM workflow as an easy-to-understand example.

Read on and discover everything about CRM!

In this blog you will find:

  1. A list with 10 CRM systems
  2. What a CRM system is
  3. Example of how a CRM works
  4. What the main functions of these systems are
  5. See three examples with screenshots of CRM systems
  6. Benefits of a CRM system
  7. Learn the difference between a CRM and ERP system
  8. Find out how to use our tool to choose your perfect CRM.

10 CRM systems examples

10 examples of CRM systems:

  • Alexion
  • Dynamics 365 (Microsoft)
  • Efficy
  • HubSpot 
  • Odoo
  • Retailrocket
  • Salesmanager
  • Superoffice
  • Webenable
  • ZOHO

The above CRM systems are listed in alphabetical order. Some of these CRM systems are quite advanced. Others are way simpler CRM systems.

Whether software suits your business, depends on many factors. We therefore recommend you to fill in our tool below.

Take your next step in finding a suitable CRM system

What is a CRM system?

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management System) is software that contains data on your potential and current customers. A CRM system guarantees that your critical contact data is stored in one centralized location. This greatly simplifies organization-wide access and usage.

The valuable information about your leads/potential customers enables a higher conversion rate from leads to customers. This is attributed to your enhanced understanding of the needs and status of your leads.

Information about your existing clients, on the other hand, allows you to serve them more effectively. Understanding their current status and past interactions provides valuable insights that assist you in offering better communication and additional product offering. You simply have a better grasp of their current wishes and needs.

Main functionalities of CRM systems

These are the most important functionalities of Customer Relationship Management tools:

  • Contact management (managing data of all your contacts);
  • Lead management (managing your leads, in order to convert them to customers!);
  • Tracking customer/contact interactions (seeing what your contact do on your site and what interactions already took place);
  • Document Management (working on the same documents with different people and different departments);
  • Email (sending targeted emails to either potential clients or your current clientele);
  • Reporting and Analytics (having data on best-performing pages, email etc);
  • Marketing Automation (automating a lot of the hard work. Think about email workflows for example);
  • Sales Automation (automating the sales tasks, like automatically assign new leads to specific sales people).

Short and easy explanation about how CRM software works in practice

Want to know how CRM software works in practice? We will explain it to you by using our own CRM workflow as an example. Below you see how we, at SoftwareMatching.io, use HubSpot's CRM on a day-to-day basis.

At our company, we focus on two distinct audiences. Firstly, we focus on people looking for CRM or ERP software and secondly, we want as many software vendors on our platform. This latter group will result in more options for people looking for software.

Let's take the group with software suppliers to explain to you how a CRM works in real life.

Step 1. Adding contacts to the database

Our Software Vendor Specialist Joep Sangers goes looking for interesting partners to collaborate with. When he retrieves a personal email address, he adds this to HubSpot (our CRM). He now successfully created a contact.

In our video below you see how this works:

Adding a contact to a database is also possible in Excel. But the next functionalities make CRM software so much more suitable for every business.

Step 2. Nurture the contact towards our desired action

The contact is successfully stored in our CRM. Now, our goal is to let our newly created contact do the action we want him or her to do. In this case, we want the contact to become a partner of ours. This involves many steps and can take a while.

Our CRM gives us the overview, insights, and follow-ups any company desperately needs.

So in short: our CRM makes it possible for us to adequately have insight into the follow-up steps and actions to let our contact convert. Looking forward to a close partnership for many years to come!

In the image below you see how we organise our contacts. In the title column for example we can instantly see what action we need to do. In this case, we need to call test 2 and mail test 1. Fairly straightforward right?

To make our life even easier, our CRM also shows you which tasks need to be done. In the example below you get a reminder tomorrow at 8:00. Besides that you can assign a priority to your task and assign an owner too.

Want to see other examples of CRM software? Below you will discover three different CRM systems! We made screenshots of them to show you how they look and function.

Examples and screenshots of CRM systems

Discover below what two of the best-known CRM systems look like. Also see our final example, which is a more niche CRM system.

You'll first see Microsoft's CRM example. Then you can also take a look at the Hubspot CRM.

CRM system example 1. Microsoft Dynamics 365

Discover below what Microsoft's CRM system looks like. We've highlighted the most important screens and features for you.

In the image below, you can see the initial screen of Microsoft Dynamics 365.

This screen contains the following components:

  • Active contacts: this contains the contact name, phone number and relationship type.
  • All tasks: this contains all tasks for the users of the CRM. For example, you can see the subject, owner and priority here.
  • Appointments: here you will find all appointments scheduled with potential customers.
  • Phone calls: In this section you will find all calls made. Very convenient for the overview!

What is the most important data within a CRM? That is, of course, your contact information!

Below you can see how your contacts look like within Microsoft's CRM:

Under the heading "company name" are all the contacts. Click on one of these contacts (see yellow arrows) and go to the screen below.

On this screen (the customer card) you will see the following:

  • The general info about the contact (think email, phone number and website)
  • The timeline: here you can see all the contact moments between you and your contact. A very important feature that allows you to improve your internal alignment!
  • The owner of the contact (see top right image)

CRM system example 2. HubSpot CRM

Hubspot is the other CRM system we'd like to show you. Let's start with the screen that contains all the contacts.

Hubspot CRM will show you the following here:

  • The name of your contacts
  • Email address of your contacts
  • Phone numbers
  • The owner of the contact
  • When the last activity of your contact was
  • The lead status
  • The creation date

This is how we see our contacts being displayed:

Within the screen above, you can set filters. You have the following filter options here:

Hubspot CRM voorbeeld 2. Filtermogelijkheden

As with the Microsoft CRM, Hubspot also has a comprehensive customer card.

Within this screen, you will see the following:

  • Overview of the most important info per contact
  • An overview of your contact's activities (think pages visited and contact moments)
  • Lead status information (see right part of the image).

Hubspot's CRM connects to all your marketing activities. So you can see exactly what a contact is doing on your website. This linkage is what makes Hubspot's CRM so powerful.

One more thing to show you in HubSpot is their email tool. Within this part of the CRM, you can make, schedule and send emails. You will also get all kinds of analytic capabilities.

Tip: test which email performs best by setting up an A/B test.

Hubspot CRM email capabilities

CRM system example 3. Alexion CRM

The third and last CRM example we'll discuss is Alexion CRM.

Let's take a look at the most important screens of this CRM solution:

Let's start with the customer card. Here you see the following:

  • The general information of your contact
  • Notes on your specific contact
  • Contact information
  • In the "overig" tab below you can find all the payment information (IBAN, IC, Credicard etc).

In the (product) screen you can fill on all information regarding specific products. You can for example fill in the following information:

  • Name
  • Costs
  • Margin (quite important to see how much profit you made!)
  • Order number

The functionality directly above part of the CRM of Alexion, but normally these kinds of functions are more ERP-like. Check our ERP examples to see how these systems look like.

Alexion is also a suitable CRM system for SME companies. This is mainly due to the affordable pricing.

Benefits of a CRM system

Want to know which are the biggest pros of a CRM? Here are the main benefits of a CRM system:

  • Contact management: in a CRM, all your contacts are in one central place
  • ERP linkage: you can link your CRM with your ERP system.
  • Improve internal coordination: your organization has access to the same data.
  • Insight into lead status: within your CRM you have insight into the lead status of your contacts. So you know how far along they are in the purchase process.

Want to profit from the CRM advantages above? But not sure how to select a suitable CRM?

Check out our page about selecting the right CRM software and learn how to pick your perfect CRM.

What is the difference between ERP and CRM?

CRM systems focus on capabilities around managing your contacts. CRM software helps you with attracting more new customers. It also aids in better serving your current client group.

ERP systems help you improve your overall business processes. This ranges from functionalities around finance, HR, and e-commerce. This type of software is broader and can be seen as the beating heart of your organization.

Want to know more about the difference between ERP and CRM? You'll find out in our blog on the difference between ERP and CRM.

Which CRM system is right for your organization?

All CRM systems have different options and different specialties.

Proper research into what you need as a business is essential to arrive at the right CRM system. Hopefully, our CRM examples will help you in your journey to find the perfect CRM software.

We strongly recommend selecting a system that fits your organization. This is a very subjective process. Every situation is different.

Fill in our CRM-comparison tool and see which package is your perfect fit.

Find your perfect CRM system

In doing so, we promise you the following:

  • You get an objective assessment of systems and implementation partners.
  • You will always find a suitable system. In fact, there are more than 100 partners on our platform!
  • You will NEVER be approached at random. You decide if you want to get in touch with a vendor.
  • You save hours and hours of research. Get a jump start on your search for the perfect ERP system.

After filling out our CRM comparisons tool you will see the following. Quite impressive that you can get this info for free, right? You see which supplier matches best with your needs. Also, you can click on "Bekijk alle details" this will show you on which criteria you are matched.

Peter de Bruin
CEO & Sr. Software Specialist
With over 15 years of dedicated experience in the enterprise software industry, I have seen firsthand how crucial it is for an organization to find the right software system for success. In this rapidly changing marketplace, a fair playing field is not always a given. My mission is to create a fair match between companies and vendors, putting the importance of appropriate and effective software first. Our independent selection tool is designed to fulfill this mission, with the goal of creating a future where everyone can effortlessly find the perfect software package, with a smile. Let's strive for that effortless future together.
More about me ➔

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